Regular Mass Times @ HTC
Monday Low Mass 12 noon
followed by Community Lunch Tuesday Low Mass 7pm
Wednesday Low Mass 10am
Community Café Open for refreshments and chat Thursday Low Mass 9:30am
Friday No Mass
SUNDAYSung Parish Mass 10am TJC Trinity Junior Church 10am Children's worship, fellowship and activities |
Saturday Mass of Our Lady 10am
followed on 1st Saturday by Community Breakfast
followed on 1st Saturday by Community Breakfast
Morning Prayer will be said in Church Every Day at 9am
If you are unable to join us in church to worship, why not join us on our Facebook Page , where we broadcast Morning Prayer every morning except Sunday. If you are here simply click the link: Holy Trinity Church Live!
Our Services explained
Morning, Evening, Prayer and Night Prayer
Daily worship lies at the heart of Holy Trinity Church and every day begins with Morning Prayer,(Matins) just as every day ends with either Evening Prayer (Vespers)or the Office of Compline. (Night Prayer)
Evening Prayer and or Compline being said privately at Holy Trinity.
At Morning Prayer, which is said publicly in church and as such anyone is welcome to join us as we begin the day praising God as we seek his guidance and love for what lies ahead of us that day.
At Evening Prayer, we thank God as we praise him for all that has happened during the day.
At Night Prayer we take some time to reflect as we look back on all that has happened during the day as we slow day and prepare ourselves for sleep.
Low Mass
This is a quiet, said service with more time for reflection and personal prayer. There will be no music at this service and incense is not used
Sung Parish Mass
This is our principal service of the week and is full of ceremony.
A robed choir will sing the Psalm and the anthems during Holy Communion as well as leading the congregation in the singing of the Hymns.
The Priest wears Vestments, incense is used and the Priest will sing some parts of the service and a Homily will be preached.
Our Children's Church also meets at 10am. Children of all ages are welcome and will be very well looked after by our Sunday School Teachers and volunteers. Parents are asked to stay in church, especially those with children of school age as the Children enjoy their own activities and Worship.
We do make Children's Church fun, although there will always be some Christian teaching, which is usually based on the readings and the Gospel, which the rest of the church family will hear in church.
Members of our Children's Church always joins the rest of the church family at the beginning of the Mass and later as we prepare to receive Holy Communion. Those members of our church family who are not confirmed are always encouraged to come forward for a blessing at this time and of course confirmation is available for those who wish to make a commitment to Jesus and His Church.
Everyone who comes to church is of course very welcome and we encourage you to stay afterwards to share tea, coffee and biscuits, but more importantly so that you can meet and chat with one another.
Saturday Services
At this service, we will pray for our church and for all the people who live in our Parish.
Morning, Evening, Prayer and Night Prayer
Daily worship lies at the heart of Holy Trinity Church and every day begins with Morning Prayer,(Matins) just as every day ends with either Evening Prayer (Vespers)or the Office of Compline. (Night Prayer)
Evening Prayer and or Compline being said privately at Holy Trinity.
At Morning Prayer, which is said publicly in church and as such anyone is welcome to join us as we begin the day praising God as we seek his guidance and love for what lies ahead of us that day.
At Evening Prayer, we thank God as we praise him for all that has happened during the day.
At Night Prayer we take some time to reflect as we look back on all that has happened during the day as we slow day and prepare ourselves for sleep.
Low Mass
This is a quiet, said service with more time for reflection and personal prayer. There will be no music at this service and incense is not used
Sung Parish Mass
This is our principal service of the week and is full of ceremony.
A robed choir will sing the Psalm and the anthems during Holy Communion as well as leading the congregation in the singing of the Hymns.
The Priest wears Vestments, incense is used and the Priest will sing some parts of the service and a Homily will be preached.
Our Children's Church also meets at 10am. Children of all ages are welcome and will be very well looked after by our Sunday School Teachers and volunteers. Parents are asked to stay in church, especially those with children of school age as the Children enjoy their own activities and Worship.
We do make Children's Church fun, although there will always be some Christian teaching, which is usually based on the readings and the Gospel, which the rest of the church family will hear in church.
Members of our Children's Church always joins the rest of the church family at the beginning of the Mass and later as we prepare to receive Holy Communion. Those members of our church family who are not confirmed are always encouraged to come forward for a blessing at this time and of course confirmation is available for those who wish to make a commitment to Jesus and His Church.
Everyone who comes to church is of course very welcome and we encourage you to stay afterwards to share tea, coffee and biscuits, but more importantly so that you can meet and chat with one another.
Saturday Services
At this service, we will pray for our church and for all the people who live in our Parish.